Diocese: Archdiocese of Indianapolis
Home Parish: St. Mary's, North Vernon, Indiana
Birthday: August 9
Vocation Story:
I have never really known a time that I have not felt drawn towards the priesthood. The first time however that I can point to with certainty was when I was going around the inside of a church, some eight years ago, and learning what and where everything was. While doing this, I happened to look out over the altar from the sanctuary, and something felt very right about it. Ever since then, I have felt this drawing, sometimes more than others, and especially during Eucharistic Adoration. And so, as I continued to pray for guidance, I slowly became more and more sure that this was the path that I was meant to pursue during this point in my life.
Hobbies: Intarsia (making pictures out of wood) and baking
Favorite Quote: "One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but few are educated" -St. Thomas More
Favorite Saint(s): St. Thomas More
Favorite Food(s): Lasagna