Vocation Story: My vocation of entering seminary was two and a half years ago when I was at St. Meinrad Seminary during a Confirmation trip. My mom asked me to pray and ask God for my vocation the night before I left. So I did what my mom asked me to do and prayed. I asked God if he wanted me to become a dad with kids and a family or if he wants me to become a priest. I remember asking him that question once and that’s when I felt this happiness in my life when I asked God if he wanted me to become a priest. I thought at the time that my mind was playing tricks on me so I asked him again a second and third time. After the third time that’s when I realized that God was calling me to become a priest.
Hobbies: Watching sports, playing videogames
Favorite Quote: It always seems impossible until it’s done. -Nelson Mandela.
Favorite Saint: St. John Bosco
Favorite Food: Chinese food, Mexican food, and Subway