The Bishop Simon Bruté Society was established on the 10th anniversary of the Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary to honor those who generously support the seminary with financial contributions. Servant of God Simon Bruté was the first Bishop of the Diocese of Vincennes, Indiana, which later became the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.
Archbishop Buechlein Circle - Gifts of $10,000 or more
Archbishop Daniel M. Buchlein established the Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary in 2004 and served as the Archbishop of Indianapolis from 1992 until 2011. As a former Rector of Saint Meinrad Seminary, seminarians and their education held a special place in Archbishop Buechlein's heart. Having established the seminary in response to the needs for the regional Church, his vision of founding a seminary, at a time when many seminaries were closing their doors, was prophetic.
Archbishop O'Meara Circle - Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Archbishop Edward T. O-Meara Circle was the beloved Archbishop of Indianapolis from 1980 until 1992. Archbishop O'Meara wroked closely with Archbishop Fulton Sheen in the propagation of the faith, and later became the President of Catholic Relief Services before coming to Indianapolis. He was a strong supporter of Catholic schools and a beloved pastor of the Catholic church in central and southern Indiana.
Cardinal Ritter Circle - Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
The first Archbishop of Indianapolis, Joseph Elmer Ritter served the Archiocese from 1933 to 1944. He was transferred to serve as the Archbishop of St. Louis in 1944, where he as made a Cardinal in 1961 and died in 1967. Cardinal Ritter was a strong advocate of Catholic education and was instrumental in the racial integration of Catholic school systems in the Indianapolis Archdiocese as well as the Archdiocese of St. Louis.
Bishop Chartrand Circle - Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Bishop of the Diocese of Indianapolis from 1918 to 1933, Bishop Chartrand was known for his great love for the Eucharist, and was an outspoken advocate of encouraging the faithful to participate in daily Mass. The chapel at Marian University is named in honor of Bishop Chartrand, and the altar from his private chapel is currently the main altar in the Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary Chapel.